Ivan Zhakov
2011-03-12 18:24:08 UTC
I think we have to get this work done soon. We cannot release with
performance like it is. How do we define the scope of the work that
needs to be done so that we can divide and conquer and get these
changes in place?
It sounds like we should codify what our performance targets are.performance like it is. How do we define the scope of the work that
needs to be done so that we can divide and conquer and get these
changes in place?
Is it acceptable if 1.7 is as fast as 1.6? Should it be faster?
complaints from users when svn status takes minutes using svn 1.6.x.
And they're asking when svn 1.7 will be released with improvements of
svn status performance.
Could we accept a slowdown for 1.7 as long as we know how we can get
it on par (or faster) for 1.8?
What are the operations (and test cases?) that are important to us? -- justin
IMHO: svn status and svn update.it on par (or faster) for 1.8?
What are the operations (and test cases?) that are important to us? -- justin
Ivan Zhakov
Ivan Zhakov